1928 Plymouth 1937 Plymouth Plymouth: The First Decade

Web Viewer Compatibility

Since the intent of this site is to provide information, the use of scripts, animation and other web tricks have been kept to a minimum. Most pictures are “thumbnails” that link to full sized photos. This should provide access to a wider range of browsers and should load fast over slow links.

Most pages have been checked to verify that they are error free HTML 4.0 that complies with published industry standards. Current web design practice uses CSS2 positioning information to format the pages. This site is being transitioned to use CSS2 styling and as a result people using the antiquated and broken Microsoft Internet Explorer will not see the pages formatted correctly.

I have only checked how these pages appears on a very limited number of browsers. If this site seems to be poorly formatted when viewed on your computer (and you are not using Internet Explorer), please contact me at and let me know what you see. I would like to fix any glaring errors in content or presentation.